Sunday, October 23, 2016

Acts 2 – Part 2 – Peter’s Pentecost Sermon

Acts 2:14-24
Peter stepped forward to preach that day completely unafraid;
The Spirit gave him the words to say and a message to convey.
“These men are not drunk as you suppose, for it’s only nine in the morn.
This is the message Joel wrote about, the day men are reborn.

In the last days, God has said, His Spirit will be poured out.
It heralds salvation for all men and that’s what this is about.
The prophet Joel wrote of a time when many would prophesy,
Of men and women saved and filled by the One who can satisfy.

It ought to be clear these folks are not drunk but praising God on high
Declaring His wonders in dialects each of you recognize.
In the last days implausible changes will happen in man’s heart.
What you see and hear today is God’s incredible start.

Our God has promised to send the Spirit to men and women alike.
He has come to live within, to guide you in your life.
There will be signs in future days on earth and heaven above,
A darkened sun, a blood-red moon, and salvation for those He loves.

People of Israel, listen up! God is declaring salvation.
His Son, Jesus, gave His life to reconcile every nation.
You heard the truth, observed His life, saw His signs and wonders.
The earth shook, the sun was dark; you heard the awesome thunder.

All these things will happen again before the Day of the Lord.
Many who remain in their sin will perish by dagger and sword;
But all who call upon the Lord believing in His name
Will be forgiven, saved to new life, spared from the fiery flame.

Our Lord’s death was God’s great plan, the only deliverance from sin,
The sacrifice able to cleanse and transform us from within.
Jesus Christ, the Lamb of God, betrayed and murdered by man,
Gave Himself as our sacrifice; there is no one else who can.

God has raised Him from the dead. The tomb could not contain Him.
Sinless perfection, our daily bread, death could not restrain Him.
When we place our trust in Him, God counts His death as ours
We rise to new life, His grace poured out in glorious heavenly showers.

This is the essence of Peter’s message that very first Pentecost Day.
If you believe, the Spirit will come to live within you and stay.
You’ll have this life to grow in Christ; fulfill your purpose on earth
When you say “yes” to our loving God; experience a spiritual rebirth.

© Copyright 2016 George M. Cuff, All Rights Reserved

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