Monday, December 5, 2016

A Christmas Poem

A Christmas Poem

Our Savior wasn't received as a King
That very first Christmas morn.
No elegant robes, only homemade clothes
The infant’s body adorned.

No fame, no trumpet, no grand speech,
No hint that He the world would teach;
No one noble anointed his head;
He lay in a manger instead of a bed.

The GREATNESS of God was contained within
This infant Christ-child born without sin.
Filled with Glory, Truth, and Light,
Born to bring hope for sinful man’s plight.

Born to die that mankind might live,
Born to pardon and forgive.
Born to bear our sin and shame,
To die our death, assume our blame.

He climbed the hill bearing the cross,
Nails pierced flesh, all hope now lost.
 Enduring great pain, each breath diminished,
He cried out to God; then it was finished.

Laid in the grave, His flesh now dead;
Wrapped in a shroud from toe to head,
He conquered death, and after three days,
Rose from the dead and abandoned the grave.

He lives today and forevermore,
Salvation once lost has been restored.
Eternal life, purpose and joy,
Fear of death now destroyed.

Christ alone gives new life,
Hope for heaven and absence from strife.
It was He who healed my sin-stained soul,
Assured me of heaven and a life that’s whole.

When you think of Christmas this year
Consider Christ whose life so dear
Was given to bring salvation true
That the promise of heaven would include you.

© Copyright 2016 George M. Cuff, All Rights Reserved

1 comment:

  1. If you have comments, questions, suggestions or even a request I would love to receive your post. (George)
