Colossians 2:8
Elijah and the prophets of old warned of idolatry.
The epic battle on Mount Carmel was a strike against heresy.
The people departed from the truth following the lie each day.
The deceptive power of false teaching is still a problem today.
The church contended from early days for truth to reign supreme.
The Fathers sought to protect the flock from Satan’s evil schemes.
The battle has raged throughout the years, the scriptures sounding alarm,
For the devil fuels a relentless intent to bring us sorrow and harm.
There is a heresy heartily proclaimed by third century teacher Arius.
He claimed our Lord was a lesser God, an erroneous teaching nefarious.
He taught the Father created Christ and called Him his only Son.
Early heroes disputed this lie until the battle was won.
Another heresy alive today claims man can become a god.
You listen to the living prophet while walking on this sod.
If you work hard, give of your goods, become a priest that’s true,
When you die your name will be called and you will be a god too.
The first of these heresies described herein is still alive today.
Millions are held in its strong grip following a false pathway.
Its adherents emphasize works to show Jehovah their fitness
To enter into Paradise Earth as a loyal Jehovah’s Witness.
The second lie with teaching so odd is also a cult like the first.
Though its men strive to be gods, its doctrine is false and cursed.
The scripture proclaims there is one God. It affirms there is no other.
True salvation cannot be earned by calling a Mormon your brother.
Many are trapped in false systems today who need to be set free.
Somehow they must hear the truth and see it in you and me.
When they place their trust in Christ, their life is never the same.
So let us continue to declare God’s Word and glorify His name.
Colossians 2:8
See to it that no one takes you captive through hollow and deceptive philosophy, which depends on human tradition and the basic principles of this world rather than on Christ. (NIV)
© Copyright George M. Cuff, All Rights Reserved
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