1 Samuel 3
Samuel served God in the tent of meeting from the time he was just a boy.
Seldom did Israel hear from God; there was no one He could employ.
Eli had failed to be a strong leader, his sons were vile indeed.
Israel had no faithful shepherd. The Lord was exceedingly grieved.
Samuel was resting in the temple as he cared for the burning lamp.
Twas the wee hours of early morn before the light’s dawning advance.
He heard a clear voice call out his name and ran to say “I am here.”
But Eli told the young servant of God, “I didn’t call you near.”
Twice more this happened and twice he responded. Eli perceived the truth:
God had set this young man apart and was calling him as a youth.
Eli told him how to respond to the voice of the Holy Spirit.
So Samuel resolved to calmly react the next time he was able to hear it.
Sure enough, the Lord called again and Samuel said, “I am here.”
What God revealed about Eli and sons chilled his soul with fear.
When Samuel revealed judgment was coming for both of Eli’s sons,
Eli, not at all surprised, said “May the Lord’s will be done.”
The Lord blessed Samuel as he grew up. All of his words were right.
Soon all of Israel became aware that he was God’s guiding light.
So from a hurting mother’s prayer and a life as a lonely child,
God created a leader of men to save a nation beguiled.
Maybe your childhood was less than stellar, filled with sorrow and pain.
When limited to the wisdom of man, such facts are hard to explain.
But God often heals a wounded heart and sets it free to love
That He might use it to impart grace that comes from heaven above.
So open the wounds of your painful past; reveal the sorrows too.
Give them over to God above; allow Him to heal you.
Then tell the world that God heals hurts; live out His gracious plan.
God will use your transformed life to bring hope to a wounded man.
© Copyright 2010 George M. Cuff, All Rights Reserved
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