Joshua 2
Joshua secretly sent some spies to check out Jericho.
They decided the house of Rahab was the place to go.
Someone saw them; told the king, “The spies are at Rahab’s place.”
But Rahab hid them on the roof in order to keep them safe.
Somehow Rahab knew the truth, decided to give a hand.
She was convinced that God had given Israel all this land.
When the king’s servants first arrived to check out her abode,
She told them her guests had already left and headed down the road.
The king’s servants searched the roads to bring them back to town,
But up on the roof and under the straw the spies were laying down.
Rahab told them all of Canaan was living in terror and fear.
“We’ve been worried a very long time and now we see you’re here.”
“We have heard how you crossed the Sea walking on dry land.
And how the pursuing army was destroyed at God’s command.
Across the river in those battles, your armies destroyed the kings.
Our people have no courage left. We know we’ve lost everything.”
Rahab asked for a special sign that her family would be spared.
“We will spare you,” said the men, “if you’re properly prepared.”
So Rahab hung the scarlet cord in her window that day.
That was the sign to Israel that they were above the fray.
The scarlet cord of redemption is found throughout the Word.
It isn’t by coincidence that this theme occurred;
For when we finally apprehend we’re captive to sin’s flood,
We understand the scarlet ribbon pointed to Jesus’ blood.
So here we see the love of God freely given to all
Rahab was a Gentile, yet she clearly heard the call.
Perhaps you thought only the Jew was favored all the time:
Remember both David and our Lord came from Rahab’s line.
The scarlet cord of redemption is our hope today.
By faith we’re loosed from Satan’s grip and come to God to stay.
Salvation is given to all who ask, no matter the depth of sin,
For the blood of Jesus Christ our Lord transforms us from within.
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Prepare for War
Joshua One
Imagine the morning Joshua woke up knowing Moses was dead.
He heard these words from God above as he served as Israel’s new head.
“Arise, take Israel across the river into the Promised Land.
As far as you can see or walk has been given as I’ve planned.
To conquer the land you will battle; I’ll be with you every day.
Take courage and possess this land, for here is where you stay.
Here’s some advice to help you succeed: ‘Revere the Book of the Law.
Do not turn to the left or right, but meditate on it all.’
Be sure you follow all the truths Moses has written down.
Then your work shall prosper; your success shall be renowned.”
So Joshua sent forth his high commanders into the camp to say,
“Prepare to invade the Promised Land. We cross over in just three days.”
Joshua said to Reuben and Gad and half of Manasseh’s tribe:
“Your land is here east of the Jordan and this is where you’ll reside.
Now as we cross to conquer the nations by God’s glorious might,
I expect your strong and able men to join us in the fight.
Your wives and children remain behind, but you shall go to war.
Bring your weapons and a strong heart, for fighting is in store.”
The men responded, “This we will do. You just give the order.
We are willing and ready indeed to cross over the Jordan border.”
And so we conclude Joshua One knowing the tribes are ready.
We see how Joshua obeyed the Lord remaining calm and steady.
The warfare continues to this day in a spiritual sense,
We employ prayer and God’s strong Word to break down evil’s defense.
Just as Joshua was strong and courageous, so we must be each day.
These very same words that God gave him are given to us today.
Whatever your battle, whatever your fight, God is at your side.
Let His Word encourage your heart and its light* to be your guide.
© Copyright 2010 George M. Cuff, All Rights Reserved
* Psalm 119:105
Imagine the morning Joshua woke up knowing Moses was dead.
He heard these words from God above as he served as Israel’s new head.
“Arise, take Israel across the river into the Promised Land.
As far as you can see or walk has been given as I’ve planned.
To conquer the land you will battle; I’ll be with you every day.
Take courage and possess this land, for here is where you stay.
Here’s some advice to help you succeed: ‘Revere the Book of the Law.
Do not turn to the left or right, but meditate on it all.’
Be sure you follow all the truths Moses has written down.
Then your work shall prosper; your success shall be renowned.”
So Joshua sent forth his high commanders into the camp to say,
“Prepare to invade the Promised Land. We cross over in just three days.”
Joshua said to Reuben and Gad and half of Manasseh’s tribe:
“Your land is here east of the Jordan and this is where you’ll reside.
Now as we cross to conquer the nations by God’s glorious might,
I expect your strong and able men to join us in the fight.
Your wives and children remain behind, but you shall go to war.
Bring your weapons and a strong heart, for fighting is in store.”
The men responded, “This we will do. You just give the order.
We are willing and ready indeed to cross over the Jordan border.”
And so we conclude Joshua One knowing the tribes are ready.
We see how Joshua obeyed the Lord remaining calm and steady.
The warfare continues to this day in a spiritual sense,
We employ prayer and God’s strong Word to break down evil’s defense.
Just as Joshua was strong and courageous, so we must be each day.
These very same words that God gave him are given to us today.
Whatever your battle, whatever your fight, God is at your side.
Let His Word encourage your heart and its light* to be your guide.
© Copyright 2010 George M. Cuff, All Rights Reserved
* Psalm 119:105
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Reflections on the Life of Moses
Deuteronomy 34
Moses climbed the hills to Mount Pisgah across from Jericho.
There he saw the land of Judah where Israel soon would go.
This is the land the Lord had promised first to Abraham.
Israel would soon go in to possess it by the power of God’s hand.
Moses spent his final hours in the presence of God on high.
Then they journeyed to a valley where Moses lay down to die.
It wasn’t a man that buried Moses on that final day, for
God especially loved this one who followed Him all the way.
For thirty days the people mourned as they camped upon the plains.
They remembered how he delivered them from slavery’s evil chains.
Now they would turn to Joshua, the leader God had anointed,
But there’s never been a prophet like Moses, the leader God appointed.
I hope to live for many more years, but this one goal I seek:
To use the years that may remain to accomplish a faithful streak.
If we become a winner in life, it’s not about earthly goals.
It’s all about how we serve the One who lovingly saved our soul.
Lord, I know that I’m not Moses, nor could I ever be,
But oh how great is my desire to serve You faithfully.
I ask You now to anoint my life, to make me fruitful for Thee.
Help me become all you envisioned the day You created me.
© Copyright 2010 George M. Cuff, All Rights Reserved
Moses climbed the hills to Mount Pisgah across from Jericho.
There he saw the land of Judah where Israel soon would go.
This is the land the Lord had promised first to Abraham.
Israel would soon go in to possess it by the power of God’s hand.
Moses spent his final hours in the presence of God on high.
Then they journeyed to a valley where Moses lay down to die.
It wasn’t a man that buried Moses on that final day, for
God especially loved this one who followed Him all the way.
For thirty days the people mourned as they camped upon the plains.
They remembered how he delivered them from slavery’s evil chains.
Now they would turn to Joshua, the leader God had anointed,
But there’s never been a prophet like Moses, the leader God appointed.
I hope to live for many more years, but this one goal I seek:
To use the years that may remain to accomplish a faithful streak.
If we become a winner in life, it’s not about earthly goals.
It’s all about how we serve the One who lovingly saved our soul.
Lord, I know that I’m not Moses, nor could I ever be,
But oh how great is my desire to serve You faithfully.
I ask You now to anoint my life, to make me fruitful for Thee.
Help me become all you envisioned the day You created me.
© Copyright 2010 George M. Cuff, All Rights Reserved
Monday, February 22, 2010
Moses’ Final Duties
Numbers 27:12-22; 30:1-12
Israel had come to the Promised Land;
Indeed they were on the border.
For forty years Moses had led
Providing stability and order.
God told Moses to climb the mountain,
Survey the Promised Land.
Then be gathered to his people,
For that was the Father’s plan.
Moses appealed to the Lord
To appoint a person to lead,
For Israel must have a guiding shepherd
In order for them to succeed.
God chose Joshua, the son of Nun,
A man who was full of the Spirit.
Moses was to authorize him
Announcing so all could hear it.
Joshua was called before the assembly,
Eleazor was at his side.
Moses laid his hands on him;
His appointment could not be denied.
From this day forth and through the years,
Joshua would lead the nation.
His orders were to possess the land
And guide this new generation.
Before Moses left to climb the mountain,
God dealt with Midian and Baalam,
For Baalam had tried to curse the tribes
But his sorcery clearly failed him.
One thousand soldiers from each of the tribes
Entered the field of battle.
On that day they killed five kings,
Captured the people and cattle.
That was the day that Baalam died,
The man who had heard God’s voice.
Because of his love for money and sin,
He failed to make the right choice.
How about you, my dear friend?
Have you carefully considered your fate?
You need to heed God’s loving call
And make your pathway straight.
© Copyright 2010 George M. Cuff, All Rights Reserved
Israel had come to the Promised Land;
Indeed they were on the border.
For forty years Moses had led
Providing stability and order.
God told Moses to climb the mountain,
Survey the Promised Land.
Then be gathered to his people,
For that was the Father’s plan.
Moses appealed to the Lord
To appoint a person to lead,
For Israel must have a guiding shepherd
In order for them to succeed.
God chose Joshua, the son of Nun,
A man who was full of the Spirit.
Moses was to authorize him
Announcing so all could hear it.
Joshua was called before the assembly,
Eleazor was at his side.
Moses laid his hands on him;
His appointment could not be denied.
From this day forth and through the years,
Joshua would lead the nation.
His orders were to possess the land
And guide this new generation.
Before Moses left to climb the mountain,
God dealt with Midian and Baalam,
For Baalam had tried to curse the tribes
But his sorcery clearly failed him.
One thousand soldiers from each of the tribes
Entered the field of battle.
On that day they killed five kings,
Captured the people and cattle.
That was the day that Baalam died,
The man who had heard God’s voice.
Because of his love for money and sin,
He failed to make the right choice.
How about you, my dear friend?
Have you carefully considered your fate?
You need to heed God’s loving call
And make your pathway straight.
© Copyright 2010 George M. Cuff, All Rights Reserved
Saturday, February 20, 2010
The Destructive Power of Idolatry
Numbers 25
When Israel was camped on Moab’s plains
Temptation was very great.
Satan combined religion and sex
Enticing fools to their fate.
The allure of sex with Moabite women
Drew the hearts of Israeli men.
If God had allowed such sin to continue
Redemption would never have been.
The offending men were identified
And sentenced to immediate death.
Throngs of people wept in remorse
As they flocked to the Meeting Tent.
But in the midst of this public repentance
We see a defiant fact.
An Israeli man took a Midianite woman
To continue this immoral act.
Phineas, the noble grandson of Aaron,
Plunged into the tent without fear.
In righteous zeal he killed the offenders
Piercing them with his spear.
This final action satisfied God,
But the plague had already come.
Judgment for sin killed many of them—
Twenty-four thousand was the sum.
When something matters more than God,
We call it idolatry by name.
When His people practice such,
They do so to their shame.
God has called us a holy nation,
A people set apart.
We are not to allow anything else
To take first place in our heart.
Houses, land, cars or money—
They’re not the objects of our love.
Our faithful, loyal, supreme devotion
Is reserved for our Lord above.
© Copyright 2010 George M. Cuff, All Rights Reserved
When Israel was camped on Moab’s plains
Temptation was very great.
Satan combined religion and sex
Enticing fools to their fate.
The allure of sex with Moabite women
Drew the hearts of Israeli men.
If God had allowed such sin to continue
Redemption would never have been.
The offending men were identified
And sentenced to immediate death.
Throngs of people wept in remorse
As they flocked to the Meeting Tent.
But in the midst of this public repentance
We see a defiant fact.
An Israeli man took a Midianite woman
To continue this immoral act.
Phineas, the noble grandson of Aaron,
Plunged into the tent without fear.
In righteous zeal he killed the offenders
Piercing them with his spear.
This final action satisfied God,
But the plague had already come.
Judgment for sin killed many of them—
Twenty-four thousand was the sum.
When something matters more than God,
We call it idolatry by name.
When His people practice such,
They do so to their shame.
God has called us a holy nation,
A people set apart.
We are not to allow anything else
To take first place in our heart.
Houses, land, cars or money—
They’re not the objects of our love.
Our faithful, loyal, supreme devotion
Is reserved for our Lord above.
© Copyright 2010 George M. Cuff, All Rights Reserved
Friday, February 19, 2010
Balaam’s Additional Prophecies
Numbers 23:13-24:25
Balak sought a curse on Jacob, but God spoke only blessing.
It became very clear to him his plan was not progressing.
He thought perhaps a change of location would the project suffice,
So he took Baalam to Mt. Pisgah with another great sacrifice.
Now Balaam showed his spiritual failure by going along with this scheme.
Though he should have walked away, his money love was extreme.
He walked a distance from Balak’s altar and listened to hear God speak.
Then he returned to the king and said, “Here is the word you seek.”
“God is not like a man who lies and always needs to repent.
When He says, ‘This I will do,’ He does just as He meant.
Now here is a nation that you hate and you have tried to curse it,
But God’s love will never abate; there’s no way to reverse it.
No sorcery or divination against this people will stand,
For they are led and guided by Jehovah’s mighty hand.
Like a lion it has arisen and invading like a flood,
It will devour the men of Moab licking up their blood.”
Balaak decided to try once more, for his future was looking grim.
When Baalam gazed from atop Mt. Peor, the Spirit visited him.
He saw a vision as he bowed down, his eyes remaining open,
But he didn’t receive the condemning curse for which Balaak was hoping.
“How beautiful are your tents, O Jacob. How lovely are your homes!
The waters flow through wondrous gardens in this land you own.
Like a lion fierce in battle, Israel crushes her foes.
Blessed are those who bless her, but to those who curse her, woe”
Balak was filled with raging wrath commanding Balaam to leave.
The future of Moab was not good. This he clearly perceived.
Balaam gave but one more word telling what he had seen.
God had given Israel this land. They inherited everything.
After this word Balaam went home but do not make him a saint.
A true believer Balaam was not. He loved money without restraint.
Three times he accompanied Balak the King to utter a vicious curse.
He was willing to harm God’s people if it would fill his purse.
Soon we will see in another chapter that Balaam suffers his fate.
Even with all that he had experienced, he never put his life straight.
Let us reject the way of Baalam and conquer the love of money.
Let us faithfully follow our Lord to the Land of Milk and Honey.
Copyright 2010 Gorge M. Cuff, All Rights Reserved
Balak sought a curse on Jacob, but God spoke only blessing.
It became very clear to him his plan was not progressing.
He thought perhaps a change of location would the project suffice,
So he took Baalam to Mt. Pisgah with another great sacrifice.
Now Balaam showed his spiritual failure by going along with this scheme.
Though he should have walked away, his money love was extreme.
He walked a distance from Balak’s altar and listened to hear God speak.
Then he returned to the king and said, “Here is the word you seek.”
“God is not like a man who lies and always needs to repent.
When He says, ‘This I will do,’ He does just as He meant.
Now here is a nation that you hate and you have tried to curse it,
But God’s love will never abate; there’s no way to reverse it.
No sorcery or divination against this people will stand,
For they are led and guided by Jehovah’s mighty hand.
Like a lion it has arisen and invading like a flood,
It will devour the men of Moab licking up their blood.”
Balaak decided to try once more, for his future was looking grim.
When Baalam gazed from atop Mt. Peor, the Spirit visited him.
He saw a vision as he bowed down, his eyes remaining open,
But he didn’t receive the condemning curse for which Balaak was hoping.
“How beautiful are your tents, O Jacob. How lovely are your homes!
The waters flow through wondrous gardens in this land you own.
Like a lion fierce in battle, Israel crushes her foes.
Blessed are those who bless her, but to those who curse her, woe”
Balak was filled with raging wrath commanding Balaam to leave.
The future of Moab was not good. This he clearly perceived.
Balaam gave but one more word telling what he had seen.
God had given Israel this land. They inherited everything.
After this word Balaam went home but do not make him a saint.
A true believer Balaam was not. He loved money without restraint.
Three times he accompanied Balak the King to utter a vicious curse.
He was willing to harm God’s people if it would fill his purse.
Soon we will see in another chapter that Balaam suffers his fate.
Even with all that he had experienced, he never put his life straight.
Let us reject the way of Baalam and conquer the love of money.
Let us faithfully follow our Lord to the Land of Milk and Honey.
Copyright 2010 Gorge M. Cuff, All Rights Reserved
Thursday, February 18, 2010
The First Oracle of Balaam
Numbers 22:36-23:12
Balak travelled to meet this one who would deliver Israel’s curse.
He wanted God’s people to be killed or some other effect perverse.
Baalam said to the worried king, “I’m here in response to your plea
But please remember this one thing: I say only what God gives me.”
Balak took him to Baal’s altars and there they sacrificed.
Seven bulls and seven rams paid the ultimate price.
Then Balaam left for a tall, bare hill seeking the Lord to meet.
Afterwards he reported to Balak the words he heard God speak.
“Balak, you showed me Israel’s tribes, asked for a curse upon them,
But I cannot curse what God has not cursed, nor can my words condemn.
You wanted me to proclaim their doom, to curse your problem away,
But judging by His blessing on them, they have come to stay.
I see them from the mountain top and I watch them from high hills.
From all other nations set apart; their devotion gives me chills.
More numerous than a cloud of dust, I view them camped below.
I cannot utter a curse unjust. These are the facts I know.
A compelling thought came to me as I listened to their God speak.
I should bow on bended knee. His favor I should seek.
I know there is yet a day to come when I take my dying breath.
I want to die like Israel does—with hope—at the time of death.”
“Now Balak you say, ‘What have you done? I paid for an evil curse.’
But I can say only what God has said when on the hill we conversed.
God is greater than either of us. He is the One in charge.
Israel’s God is awesome in scope. I hold Him in highest regard. ”
That was just the opening act. There was more to come.
Balak desperately tried again to avoid his future glum.
This is a reminder to all of us, an important fact to tell.
The God of Israel is in charge. Only He can save from hell.
Have you given your life to Him? Have you responded to His call?
Have you placed your trust in Christ, decided to give Him your all?
Open the Bible; read John 3:16. Respond to this wonderful verse.
You will receive eternal life and death can no longer curse.
© Copyright 2010 George M. Cuff, All Rights Reserved
Balak travelled to meet this one who would deliver Israel’s curse.
He wanted God’s people to be killed or some other effect perverse.
Baalam said to the worried king, “I’m here in response to your plea
But please remember this one thing: I say only what God gives me.”
Balak took him to Baal’s altars and there they sacrificed.
Seven bulls and seven rams paid the ultimate price.
Then Balaam left for a tall, bare hill seeking the Lord to meet.
Afterwards he reported to Balak the words he heard God speak.
“Balak, you showed me Israel’s tribes, asked for a curse upon them,
But I cannot curse what God has not cursed, nor can my words condemn.
You wanted me to proclaim their doom, to curse your problem away,
But judging by His blessing on them, they have come to stay.
I see them from the mountain top and I watch them from high hills.
From all other nations set apart; their devotion gives me chills.
More numerous than a cloud of dust, I view them camped below.
I cannot utter a curse unjust. These are the facts I know.
A compelling thought came to me as I listened to their God speak.
I should bow on bended knee. His favor I should seek.
I know there is yet a day to come when I take my dying breath.
I want to die like Israel does—with hope—at the time of death.”
“Now Balak you say, ‘What have you done? I paid for an evil curse.’
But I can say only what God has said when on the hill we conversed.
God is greater than either of us. He is the One in charge.
Israel’s God is awesome in scope. I hold Him in highest regard. ”
That was just the opening act. There was more to come.
Balak desperately tried again to avoid his future glum.
This is a reminder to all of us, an important fact to tell.
The God of Israel is in charge. Only He can save from hell.
Have you given your life to Him? Have you responded to His call?
Have you placed your trust in Christ, decided to give Him your all?
Open the Bible; read John 3:16. Respond to this wonderful verse.
You will receive eternal life and death can no longer curse.
© Copyright 2010 George M. Cuff, All Rights Reserved
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
The Way of Balaam
Numbers 22
As Israel continued their northward march, they came to Moab’s land.
The Moabites carried heavy hearts fearing the Lord’s mighty hand.
Balak, their king, was sick with dread anticipating the worst,
So he sought to hire a diviner to destroy Israel with a curse.
The elders of Moab came to Balaam, the appropriate fee in hand,
Saying “Curse this nation of Israel; send them back to the desert sand.”
But God told Balaam, “Don’t listen to them. Israel is blessed by Me.”
Balaam sent them back to Moab rejecting the sorcerer’s fee.
But Balak sent more delegates, all greater than the first.
They promised Balaam fame and honor along with a very fat purse.
God came to Balaam later that night and said he could go with the rest.
Would Balaam decide to do what is right? Would he pass this spiritual test?
In the morning he saddled his donkey and rode with the Moabite princes.
The fame and fortune promised to him was all that it took to convince him.
Wanting Balaam to make the right choice, a great angel blocked his path.
When the donkey would not move, Balaam beat it with his staff.
Finally the donkey spoke aloud, “Why have you struck me these three times?”
An angry Balaam then replied, “Killing a donkey is no crime.”
Just then the LORD opened his eyes to the angel with drawn sword.
An astonished Balaam fell on his face at the revelation of the LORD.*
Now here is a point you must not miss: Balaam already knew God’s mind.
If he regarded integrity of heart, he would leave this business behind.
But Balaam played this game in his mind desiring their riches to glean.
The Bible clearly defines this for us in 2 Peter 2:15.
The way of Balaam is the love of money found when character is weak.
They speak “smooth words” to “itching ears” as fame and fortune they seek. **
The Scripture warns of many false teachers who twist the truth for gain.
Those who follow the way of Balaam do so to their shame.
The gospel is not a “feel good” story featuring rags to riches.
Neither is it a formula to confess away your glitches.
Many false prophets have already come from Smith to Prophetess Eddy.
But if you follow them, dear friend, at life’s end you will not be ready.
© Copyright 2010 George M. Cuff, All Rights Reserved
* Most Bible scholars believe Old Testament references to the Angel of the Lord refer to the pre-incarnate Christ
** See Isaiah 30:10 and 2 Timothy 4:3 (NKJV)
As Israel continued their northward march, they came to Moab’s land.
The Moabites carried heavy hearts fearing the Lord’s mighty hand.
Balak, their king, was sick with dread anticipating the worst,
So he sought to hire a diviner to destroy Israel with a curse.
The elders of Moab came to Balaam, the appropriate fee in hand,
Saying “Curse this nation of Israel; send them back to the desert sand.”
But God told Balaam, “Don’t listen to them. Israel is blessed by Me.”
Balaam sent them back to Moab rejecting the sorcerer’s fee.
But Balak sent more delegates, all greater than the first.
They promised Balaam fame and honor along with a very fat purse.
God came to Balaam later that night and said he could go with the rest.
Would Balaam decide to do what is right? Would he pass this spiritual test?
In the morning he saddled his donkey and rode with the Moabite princes.
The fame and fortune promised to him was all that it took to convince him.
Wanting Balaam to make the right choice, a great angel blocked his path.
When the donkey would not move, Balaam beat it with his staff.
Finally the donkey spoke aloud, “Why have you struck me these three times?”
An angry Balaam then replied, “Killing a donkey is no crime.”
Just then the LORD opened his eyes to the angel with drawn sword.
An astonished Balaam fell on his face at the revelation of the LORD.*
Now here is a point you must not miss: Balaam already knew God’s mind.
If he regarded integrity of heart, he would leave this business behind.
But Balaam played this game in his mind desiring their riches to glean.
The Bible clearly defines this for us in 2 Peter 2:15.
The way of Balaam is the love of money found when character is weak.
They speak “smooth words” to “itching ears” as fame and fortune they seek. **
The Scripture warns of many false teachers who twist the truth for gain.
Those who follow the way of Balaam do so to their shame.
The gospel is not a “feel good” story featuring rags to riches.
Neither is it a formula to confess away your glitches.
Many false prophets have already come from Smith to Prophetess Eddy.
But if you follow them, dear friend, at life’s end you will not be ready.
© Copyright 2010 George M. Cuff, All Rights Reserved
* Most Bible scholars believe Old Testament references to the Angel of the Lord refer to the pre-incarnate Christ
** See Isaiah 30:10 and 2 Timothy 4:3 (NKJV)
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
The Sin Solution
Numbers 21
There to the north was the Promised Land,
A land of milk and honey.
The time to possess it was near at hand,
But the challenges still were many.
Israel desired to pass through Edom
Avoiding all their towns.
But their request Edom refused,
So they had to go clear around.
Another long march created strife
As resentment began to build.
Israel longed for an easier life,
And their desires were unfulfilled.
Amidst the toil and the grime
The people lost their head.
Accusing their God one more time;
Reviling His daily bread.
The anger of the LORD was stirred;
He sent serpents among the tribes.
Everywhere that this occurred
Many from Israel died.
The people then acknowledged their sin
Entreating Moses to pray.
God compassionately listened to him
And gave him the words to say.
Moses cast a bronze of the snake
And placed it upon a pole.
Those who were bitten, their lives at stake,
Looked up to be made whole.
Perhaps you wonder what this means
When they suffered such terrible loss.
It reminds us of another scene
When sinners looked up at the cross.
The cross of Jesus lifted up
Is a beacon of hope you see,
For Jesus accepted the suffering cup
Winning redemption for you and me.
© Copyright 2010 George M. Cuff, All Rights Reserved
There to the north was the Promised Land,
A land of milk and honey.
The time to possess it was near at hand,
But the challenges still were many.
Israel desired to pass through Edom
Avoiding all their towns.
But their request Edom refused,
So they had to go clear around.
Another long march created strife
As resentment began to build.
Israel longed for an easier life,
And their desires were unfulfilled.
Amidst the toil and the grime
The people lost their head.
Accusing their God one more time;
Reviling His daily bread.
The anger of the LORD was stirred;
He sent serpents among the tribes.
Everywhere that this occurred
Many from Israel died.
The people then acknowledged their sin
Entreating Moses to pray.
God compassionately listened to him
And gave him the words to say.
Moses cast a bronze of the snake
And placed it upon a pole.
Those who were bitten, their lives at stake,
Looked up to be made whole.
Perhaps you wonder what this means
When they suffered such terrible loss.
It reminds us of another scene
When sinners looked up at the cross.
The cross of Jesus lifted up
Is a beacon of hope you see,
For Jesus accepted the suffering cup
Winning redemption for you and me.
© Copyright 2010 George M. Cuff, All Rights Reserved
Sunday, February 14, 2010
What If? A Valentine Day Thought
What If?
Romans 5:8
This is the day we celebrate love
With flowers, cards and gifts.
But if it were not for God above,
Your life would be full of “what ifs.”
What if you hadn’t gone to a church
Where you heard the gospel preached?
You may have conducted a life-time search
And possibly never been reached.
What if your parents weren’t believers
Who told you about the Savior?
You would never have been a receiver
Of the One who guides our behavior.
What if you hadn’t lived in this land
Where there’s freedom to assemble?
You could have lived in tyranny
Where citizens fear and tremble.
What if Jesus hadn’t died
To pay the price of your sin?
Even though you tried and tried,
You couldn’t be changed within.
What if God was about getting even
Instead of consuming love?
There would be no grace to believe in,
No salvation from above.
O how I love my valentine!
She made my life complete.
But without the Spirit as my guide,
It would be filled with sin and defeat.
So as you think about Valentine’s Day
With its message of enduring love,
Please remember how Jesus paid
For your sins with His cleansing blood.
© Copyright 2010 George M. Cuff, All Rights Reserved
Romans 5:8
This is the day we celebrate love
With flowers, cards and gifts.
But if it were not for God above,
Your life would be full of “what ifs.”
What if you hadn’t gone to a church
Where you heard the gospel preached?
You may have conducted a life-time search
And possibly never been reached.
What if your parents weren’t believers
Who told you about the Savior?
You would never have been a receiver
Of the One who guides our behavior.
What if you hadn’t lived in this land
Where there’s freedom to assemble?
You could have lived in tyranny
Where citizens fear and tremble.
What if Jesus hadn’t died
To pay the price of your sin?
Even though you tried and tried,
You couldn’t be changed within.
What if God was about getting even
Instead of consuming love?
There would be no grace to believe in,
No salvation from above.
O how I love my valentine!
She made my life complete.
But without the Spirit as my guide,
It would be filled with sin and defeat.
So as you think about Valentine’s Day
With its message of enduring love,
Please remember how Jesus paid
For your sins with His cleansing blood.
© Copyright 2010 George M. Cuff, All Rights Reserved
Saturday, February 13, 2010
The Sin of Moses
Numbers 20
This is the account of Moses’ fall.
It demonstrates God is impartial to all,
For God does not have a favored few;
His law applied to Moses too.
Israel had come to the Desert of Zin.
There was no water; patience was thin.
Once again the people complained
With cruel accusations unrestrained.
Moses got down upon his face
Petitioning the Lord for wisdom and grace.
The Glory of the Lord appeared
With guidance from the One they revered.
“Take your staff and gather the tribes.
All glory to God you shall ascribe.
To the rock you shall plainly speak
And I will do something quite unique.”
So Moses gathered the rest of them,
But his temper got the best of him.
Instead of speaking to just the rock
He spoke of himself and struck the rock.
The water flowed and the needs were met,
But Jehovah God was extremely upset.
They had acted in self-glorification
As if they could perform this manifestation.
Because they failed to honor God’s Name
But took for themselves the glory and fame,
They would not enter the Promised Land
With the nation God led by His mighty hand.
So let us never, ever forget
There is a price for the sin we regret.
Though Moses besought Him o’er and o’er,
God said, “Moses, be still. I’ll listen no more.”
Let us learn well this lesson clear:
No matter how things may appear,
It is not to our credit that things get done.
All glory goes to the Three in One.
© Copyright 2010 George M. Cuff, All Rights Reserved
This is the account of Moses’ fall.
It demonstrates God is impartial to all,
For God does not have a favored few;
His law applied to Moses too.
Israel had come to the Desert of Zin.
There was no water; patience was thin.
Once again the people complained
With cruel accusations unrestrained.
Moses got down upon his face
Petitioning the Lord for wisdom and grace.
The Glory of the Lord appeared
With guidance from the One they revered.
“Take your staff and gather the tribes.
All glory to God you shall ascribe.
To the rock you shall plainly speak
And I will do something quite unique.”
So Moses gathered the rest of them,
But his temper got the best of him.
Instead of speaking to just the rock
He spoke of himself and struck the rock.
The water flowed and the needs were met,
But Jehovah God was extremely upset.
They had acted in self-glorification
As if they could perform this manifestation.
Because they failed to honor God’s Name
But took for themselves the glory and fame,
They would not enter the Promised Land
With the nation God led by His mighty hand.
So let us never, ever forget
There is a price for the sin we regret.
Though Moses besought Him o’er and o’er,
God said, “Moses, be still. I’ll listen no more.”
Let us learn well this lesson clear:
No matter how things may appear,
It is not to our credit that things get done.
All glory goes to the Three in One.
© Copyright 2010 George M. Cuff, All Rights Reserved
Friday, February 12, 2010
The Danger of Rebellion
Numbers 16
Korah, Dathan, and Abiram didn’t like Moses, nor did they fear him.
As their insolence arose, they came against him, his will to oppose.
“Moses,” they said, “You’ve gone too far. You act like you’re some super star.
You are high and we are lowly. Have you forgotten that all are holy?”
When Moses heard, he looked down, then told them all to gather around.
“In the morning the Lord will show upon whom His Spirit is bestowed.”
You are Levites—set apart—to care for God’s House with all your heart.
Isn’t that enough for you? Why must you seek the priesthood too?
The Lord has heard you speak against Aaron. He knows your soul is corrupt and barren.
We will see if you are appointed to serve in the role as His anointed.
But since your memory is fleeting, come meet with me at the Tent of Meeting.
I want you to bring your followers too—all two hundred fifty of you.
They came in the morning with incense smoking; their arrogance the Lord provoking.
“Step back, Moses, from this affront. I’m putting an end to this at once.”
But Moses and Aaron cried aloud, “O, Lord, don’t kill the entire crowd.”
They instructed the assembly to move away and wait to see whom God would slay.
The scoffing leaders stood near their tents, the sense of God’s presence was intense.
Suddenly the earth opened wide and all of them fell to their grave alive.
Korah, Dathan, and Abiram with wives and children who stood near them
Were suddenly swallowed by the ground with cries of terror as they went down.
You would think Israel now would learn to honor their God with hearts that yearn
To follow His ways; walk in His path, but sad to say, they earned His wrath.
Once again the people complained causing the plague to fall like the rain.
Fourteen thousand deaths were topped before intercession caused it to stop.
Are you a person always in trouble? Do you live in a rebellious bubble?
You have experienced troubles galore. If you don’t wake up, there will be more.
Now is a time to fall on your face, to cry out to God to pour out His grace.
Today is the day for you to repent, believe on the One whom God has sent.
What will it take to surrender your will enabling God's purpose to be fulfilled?
Does everything have to be taken away before you will come to Him and say,
“Dear God, I’m a fool and I know it. Please don’t let me continue to show it.
I ask you now to change my heart and give to me a fresh new start.”
If you pray this prayer today and if you in His presence stay,
Our Lord will help you overcome all the stupid things you’ve done.
He will make you a new creation; bring peace to your present situation.
He will take your miserable story and use it for His eternal glory.
© Copyright 2010 George M. Cuff, All Rights Reserved
Korah, Dathan, and Abiram didn’t like Moses, nor did they fear him.
As their insolence arose, they came against him, his will to oppose.
“Moses,” they said, “You’ve gone too far. You act like you’re some super star.
You are high and we are lowly. Have you forgotten that all are holy?”
When Moses heard, he looked down, then told them all to gather around.
“In the morning the Lord will show upon whom His Spirit is bestowed.”
You are Levites—set apart—to care for God’s House with all your heart.
Isn’t that enough for you? Why must you seek the priesthood too?
The Lord has heard you speak against Aaron. He knows your soul is corrupt and barren.
We will see if you are appointed to serve in the role as His anointed.
But since your memory is fleeting, come meet with me at the Tent of Meeting.
I want you to bring your followers too—all two hundred fifty of you.
They came in the morning with incense smoking; their arrogance the Lord provoking.
“Step back, Moses, from this affront. I’m putting an end to this at once.”
But Moses and Aaron cried aloud, “O, Lord, don’t kill the entire crowd.”
They instructed the assembly to move away and wait to see whom God would slay.
The scoffing leaders stood near their tents, the sense of God’s presence was intense.
Suddenly the earth opened wide and all of them fell to their grave alive.
Korah, Dathan, and Abiram with wives and children who stood near them
Were suddenly swallowed by the ground with cries of terror as they went down.
You would think Israel now would learn to honor their God with hearts that yearn
To follow His ways; walk in His path, but sad to say, they earned His wrath.
Once again the people complained causing the plague to fall like the rain.
Fourteen thousand deaths were topped before intercession caused it to stop.
Are you a person always in trouble? Do you live in a rebellious bubble?
You have experienced troubles galore. If you don’t wake up, there will be more.
Now is a time to fall on your face, to cry out to God to pour out His grace.
Today is the day for you to repent, believe on the One whom God has sent.
What will it take to surrender your will enabling God's purpose to be fulfilled?
Does everything have to be taken away before you will come to Him and say,
“Dear God, I’m a fool and I know it. Please don’t let me continue to show it.
I ask you now to change my heart and give to me a fresh new start.”
If you pray this prayer today and if you in His presence stay,
Our Lord will help you overcome all the stupid things you’ve done.
He will make you a new creation; bring peace to your present situation.
He will take your miserable story and use it for His eternal glory.
© Copyright 2010 George M. Cuff, All Rights Reserved
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Don't Fail to Enter the Promised Land
Numbers 13
The Lord said to Moses, “Spy out the land.
Tell each tribe to send their best man.
Check out the mountains and southern plains,
See how the cities and towns are arranged.
Examine the land where the crops take root,
Bring back some samples of their fruit.
See if the peoples are many or few,
For this the land I’ve given to you.
They spied out the cities on the south,
Put luscious grapes into their mouth,
Brought to Moses pomegranates and figs
That startled the crowd, they were so big.
They reported to leaders of each tribe
Of cities and blessings too rich to describe.
But “The people are many and very strong,
Ten of us think to attack would be wrong.”
Then Caleb stood before these men;
Tried to talk some sense to them.
“Let us go up and take this land.
We’re able to do it by God’s mighty hand.”
But the ten replied, “Can’t you see,
The people there are bigger than we.
We saw great giants in the land
Who could easily kill our very best man.
The people moaned and complained all night,
We can’t go up there and win the fight.”
Then they cried in one accord,
“Did God bring us here to die by the sword?”
God told Moses, “Stand back if you please,
For I’m going to smite them with disease.”
And if it were not for their leader’s plea,
They would have become desert debris.
There is a truth here for all to accept.
God’s plan and purpose we must not reject.
At death we may go to eternal rest, but
On earth we’ll wander the wilderness.
So if you’re travelling “Nowhere Road,”
You’ve got to forsake your rebellious mode.
You need to reach up to take His hand
And march into the Promised Land.
© Copyright 2010 George M. Cuff, All Rights Reserved
The Lord said to Moses, “Spy out the land.
Tell each tribe to send their best man.
Check out the mountains and southern plains,
See how the cities and towns are arranged.
Examine the land where the crops take root,
Bring back some samples of their fruit.
See if the peoples are many or few,
For this the land I’ve given to you.
They spied out the cities on the south,
Put luscious grapes into their mouth,
Brought to Moses pomegranates and figs
That startled the crowd, they were so big.
They reported to leaders of each tribe
Of cities and blessings too rich to describe.
But “The people are many and very strong,
Ten of us think to attack would be wrong.”
Then Caleb stood before these men;
Tried to talk some sense to them.
“Let us go up and take this land.
We’re able to do it by God’s mighty hand.”
But the ten replied, “Can’t you see,
The people there are bigger than we.
We saw great giants in the land
Who could easily kill our very best man.
The people moaned and complained all night,
We can’t go up there and win the fight.”
Then they cried in one accord,
“Did God bring us here to die by the sword?”
God told Moses, “Stand back if you please,
For I’m going to smite them with disease.”
And if it were not for their leader’s plea,
They would have become desert debris.
There is a truth here for all to accept.
God’s plan and purpose we must not reject.
At death we may go to eternal rest, but
On earth we’ll wander the wilderness.
So if you’re travelling “Nowhere Road,”
You’ve got to forsake your rebellious mode.
You need to reach up to take His hand
And march into the Promised Land.
© Copyright 2010 George M. Cuff, All Rights Reserved
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
How to Follow the Lord
Exodus 33-40
It’s not easy leading a people who always seemed to complain.
This was the task Moses endured as He led them through desert plains.
They complained when water was short and again when they needed meat.
In every need our God supplied in a variety of miraculous feats.
After the events of the golden calf, Moses pitched a tent.
When it was time to meet with God that was where he went.
He placed the tent outside of camp to remind them of their sin.
They would stand and watch their leader until he entered in.
When Moses went to meet with God, a holy cloud descended.
It would hover over the tent until the meeting was ended.
All of Israel could clearly see that God, who extended His grace,
Revealed His will only to Moses when He met with him face to face.
They came to see how God was leading by watching the cloud each day.
If it lifted they would leave, but if it remained they stayed.
Through the days of wondering it became a familiar sight:
Above them lay the cloud by day and the pillar of fire at night.
The remaining chapters chronicle how they built their worship tent.
The tabernacle was portable, carried wherever they went.
The Sons of Aaron were appointed to be the priestly class.
The Levites cared for the tabernacle with all its many tasks.
That takes us to the end of the book and soon there will be a test,
For it is time to enter the land God charged them to possess.
In the book of Deuteronomy, Moses records these events.
We’ll see if they are men of faith or whining malcontents.
All God’s people have journeys of faith with trials that make us shiver.
Like Israel then we see now a Jericho across the river.
We are aware God’s chosen people trembled at Canaan’s might,
Let us, therefore, remember this truth: we walk by faith not sight.
Whatever you’re facing God is there. Place your trust in Him.
He is the answer to all your needs. To doubt Him is to sin.
So let us remember Joshua and Caleb, who gave both heart and hand.
With faith in the God who meets all our needs, let us possess the land.
© Copyright 2010 George M. Cuff, All Rights Reserved
It’s not easy leading a people who always seemed to complain.
This was the task Moses endured as He led them through desert plains.
They complained when water was short and again when they needed meat.
In every need our God supplied in a variety of miraculous feats.
After the events of the golden calf, Moses pitched a tent.
When it was time to meet with God that was where he went.
He placed the tent outside of camp to remind them of their sin.
They would stand and watch their leader until he entered in.
When Moses went to meet with God, a holy cloud descended.
It would hover over the tent until the meeting was ended.
All of Israel could clearly see that God, who extended His grace,
Revealed His will only to Moses when He met with him face to face.
They came to see how God was leading by watching the cloud each day.
If it lifted they would leave, but if it remained they stayed.
Through the days of wondering it became a familiar sight:
Above them lay the cloud by day and the pillar of fire at night.
The remaining chapters chronicle how they built their worship tent.
The tabernacle was portable, carried wherever they went.
The Sons of Aaron were appointed to be the priestly class.
The Levites cared for the tabernacle with all its many tasks.
That takes us to the end of the book and soon there will be a test,
For it is time to enter the land God charged them to possess.
In the book of Deuteronomy, Moses records these events.
We’ll see if they are men of faith or whining malcontents.
All God’s people have journeys of faith with trials that make us shiver.
Like Israel then we see now a Jericho across the river.
We are aware God’s chosen people trembled at Canaan’s might,
Let us, therefore, remember this truth: we walk by faith not sight.
Whatever you’re facing God is there. Place your trust in Him.
He is the answer to all your needs. To doubt Him is to sin.
So let us remember Joshua and Caleb, who gave both heart and hand.
With faith in the God who meets all our needs, let us possess the land.
© Copyright 2010 George M. Cuff, All Rights Reserved
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Sin in the Camp
Exodus 24-32
Moses went up to the mountains to receive the tablets of stone.
He was away for forty days as he met with God alone.
There’s not space sufficient here to tell the entire story,
But there upon the mountain, God revealed His glory.
From chapters 25 to 30, we see the tabernacle blueprint.
By the power of the Spirit the craftsmen would know how to do it.
Now Moses was gone many days and Israel thought he was dead.
Naturally they wondered aloud how they would now be led.
When confronted with this problem, Aaron gave bad advice.
He thought perhaps a golden calf would be very nice.
All the people gave him gold from their wives’ ear rings.
Then the craftsmen went to work creating this calf-like thing.
They built an altar before the calf and declared a new feast day.
They sacrificed offerings, drank some wine and then rose up to play.
God looked down and saw them stray from His instructed path.
He told Moses to stand aside as He poured out righteous wrath.
Moses pleaded with God that day to stay His mighty hand
Reminding the Lord of His promises to the patriarch, Abraham.
God was pleased with his desire to pray and intercede;
He held back His righteous fire responding to Moses’ plea.
When Moses came down and saw the calf and all the people dancing,
He saw Egypt’s wicked past as he observed their sensual prancing.
Aaron saw his fiery eyes and said, “The people made me do it.
I just took the gold they gave and into the fire I threw it.”
By this time the camp was wild, the people out of control.
Moses called for the Levites to form a police patrol.
With intent to stop this sin, their swords strapped to their side,
They struck all who would not relent until three thousand died.
When there is sin in the camp, there is also death and destruction
The light is dim in the spiritual lamp when we fail to heed instruction.
Then when Satan’s work is done, many hearts will break
Oh how foolish is the one who listens to that snake!
Have you allowed sin in your camp and now you feel its pain?
Do you feel overwhelmed with guilt experiencing the awful shame?
There is a way to win over sin and regain the Father’s favor.
Forsake your sin, be cleansed within; draw close to your loving Savior.
© Copyright 2010 George M. Cuff, All Rights Reserved
Moses went up to the mountains to receive the tablets of stone.
He was away for forty days as he met with God alone.
There’s not space sufficient here to tell the entire story,
But there upon the mountain, God revealed His glory.
From chapters 25 to 30, we see the tabernacle blueprint.
By the power of the Spirit the craftsmen would know how to do it.
Now Moses was gone many days and Israel thought he was dead.
Naturally they wondered aloud how they would now be led.
When confronted with this problem, Aaron gave bad advice.
He thought perhaps a golden calf would be very nice.
All the people gave him gold from their wives’ ear rings.
Then the craftsmen went to work creating this calf-like thing.
They built an altar before the calf and declared a new feast day.
They sacrificed offerings, drank some wine and then rose up to play.
God looked down and saw them stray from His instructed path.
He told Moses to stand aside as He poured out righteous wrath.
Moses pleaded with God that day to stay His mighty hand
Reminding the Lord of His promises to the patriarch, Abraham.
God was pleased with his desire to pray and intercede;
He held back His righteous fire responding to Moses’ plea.
When Moses came down and saw the calf and all the people dancing,
He saw Egypt’s wicked past as he observed their sensual prancing.
Aaron saw his fiery eyes and said, “The people made me do it.
I just took the gold they gave and into the fire I threw it.”
By this time the camp was wild, the people out of control.
Moses called for the Levites to form a police patrol.
With intent to stop this sin, their swords strapped to their side,
They struck all who would not relent until three thousand died.
When there is sin in the camp, there is also death and destruction
The light is dim in the spiritual lamp when we fail to heed instruction.
Then when Satan’s work is done, many hearts will break
Oh how foolish is the one who listens to that snake!
Have you allowed sin in your camp and now you feel its pain?
Do you feel overwhelmed with guilt experiencing the awful shame?
There is a way to win over sin and regain the Father’s favor.
Forsake your sin, be cleansed within; draw close to your loving Savior.
© Copyright 2010 George M. Cuff, All Rights Reserved
Monday, February 8, 2010
The Ten Commandments
Exodus 19
Three months after leaving Egypt’s land
All Israel gathered at God’s command.
He came that day amidst thunder and lightning
In a cloud on the mountain—very frightening.
The tribes were instructed to wait below
As Moses learned what they needed to know.
So there they stood in fear and awe
As Moses received God’s special law.
‘You shall have no other gods;
No worshipping wood or rocks or sod.
I made the earth and all you see.
There is no other God but Me.
You shall not craft an image or form
Of imaginary gods unable to perform.
If you would like to experience grace
Don’t let idolatry invade My space.
Here’s a third thought true and plain:
Do not take My name in vain.
Observe a fourth truth to be blessed:
Remember the Sabbath day of rest.
Honor your father and your mother;
Revere them as you do no other.
If to live long you expect,
Show your parents proper respect.
You are forbidden to take a life,
Commit adultery with another’s wife,
Steal the fruit of another man’s labor;
Bear false witness against your neighbor.
You shall not covet your neighbor’s house,
Nor desire your neighbor’s spouse.
Around this conduct I’ve placed these borders
Creating a culture of peace and order.”
The Ten Commandments stand above time
Providing a life of peace sublime.
These laws from scripture we import
To define justice for our courts.
If you desire a life serene
Study God’s law, learn what it means.
Then to experience fullness in life,
Give yourself fully to serving Christ
© Copyright 2010 George M. Cuff, All Rights Reserved
Three months after leaving Egypt’s land
All Israel gathered at God’s command.
He came that day amidst thunder and lightning
In a cloud on the mountain—very frightening.
The tribes were instructed to wait below
As Moses learned what they needed to know.
So there they stood in fear and awe
As Moses received God’s special law.
‘You shall have no other gods;
No worshipping wood or rocks or sod.
I made the earth and all you see.
There is no other God but Me.
You shall not craft an image or form
Of imaginary gods unable to perform.
If you would like to experience grace
Don’t let idolatry invade My space.
Here’s a third thought true and plain:
Do not take My name in vain.
Observe a fourth truth to be blessed:
Remember the Sabbath day of rest.
Honor your father and your mother;
Revere them as you do no other.
If to live long you expect,
Show your parents proper respect.
You are forbidden to take a life,
Commit adultery with another’s wife,
Steal the fruit of another man’s labor;
Bear false witness against your neighbor.
You shall not covet your neighbor’s house,
Nor desire your neighbor’s spouse.
Around this conduct I’ve placed these borders
Creating a culture of peace and order.”
The Ten Commandments stand above time
Providing a life of peace sublime.
These laws from scripture we import
To define justice for our courts.
If you desire a life serene
Study God’s law, learn what it means.
Then to experience fullness in life,
Give yourself fully to serving Christ
© Copyright 2010 George M. Cuff, All Rights Reserved
Sunday, February 7, 2010
The God Who Meets Your Need
Genesis 17
Have you thought just how it would be
If you were among those who crossed the Red Sea?
If you experienced such a miracle of power
Wouldn’t you praise God as your Strong Tower?
Well, that’s exactly how Israel felt
As they sensed their fear and misery melt.
They lifted their voices, a mighty throng,
Praising their God with a joyful song.
After their initial, trusting glow,
Moses sensed it was time to go.
Just three days in the Desert of Sin
Betrayed the fear and doubt within.
The first test failed was the test of food.
Three days of hunger sullied their mood.
They grumbled remembering Egypt’s meat
Accusing their leader of spiritual deceit.
Moses questioned what he should do.
God said, “I will provide manna for you.”
At dawn they found sweet bread all around
And quail at night as the sun went down.
So now they had both bread and meat,
More than enough for all to eat.
For forty years the manna sustained them
Until the day they went back to Canaan.
Now here is the lesson for all of us.
God will provide if we will but trust.
Let us adopt the Philippians’ creed:
“Our God will supply all of our needs.”
Our walk with God includes such tests,
For all must learn His ways are best.
He, who has saved you by His grace,
Is asking you now to trust Him by faith.
There is no need that He doesn’t know.
There is no gift He cannot bestow.
There is no limit to His sweet grace,
So press on, dear friend, in your walk of faith.
© Copyright 2010 George M. Cuff, All Rights Reserved
Have you thought just how it would be
If you were among those who crossed the Red Sea?
If you experienced such a miracle of power
Wouldn’t you praise God as your Strong Tower?
Well, that’s exactly how Israel felt
As they sensed their fear and misery melt.
They lifted their voices, a mighty throng,
Praising their God with a joyful song.
After their initial, trusting glow,
Moses sensed it was time to go.
Just three days in the Desert of Sin
Betrayed the fear and doubt within.
The first test failed was the test of food.
Three days of hunger sullied their mood.
They grumbled remembering Egypt’s meat
Accusing their leader of spiritual deceit.
Moses questioned what he should do.
God said, “I will provide manna for you.”
At dawn they found sweet bread all around
And quail at night as the sun went down.
So now they had both bread and meat,
More than enough for all to eat.
For forty years the manna sustained them
Until the day they went back to Canaan.
Now here is the lesson for all of us.
God will provide if we will but trust.
Let us adopt the Philippians’ creed:
“Our God will supply all of our needs.”
Our walk with God includes such tests,
For all must learn His ways are best.
He, who has saved you by His grace,
Is asking you now to trust Him by faith.
There is no need that He doesn’t know.
There is no gift He cannot bestow.
There is no limit to His sweet grace,
So press on, dear friend, in your walk of faith.
© Copyright 2010 George M. Cuff, All Rights Reserved
Thursday, February 4, 2010
Safe in God's Mighty Hands
Exodus 13-14
Many times we don't understand why God leads the way He does.
Such was the case with Israel as He led them from above.
God knew if faced by a Philistine attack, the Israelis would surely fold,
So He took them southeast across the desert instead of the Philistine road.
When the King heard about their flight, he promptly changed his mind.
They didn't have Israel day and night to bear the daily grind.
So Pharaoh gathered six hundred chariots and all of his army men.
His intention was to recapture the slaves and bring them back again.
When Israel saw the army approach, they were seized with terrible fear.
They grumbled at Moses with these words: “Why did you bring us here?
Didn't we tell you before we left it would be best to remain as slaves?
Did you lead us into the wilderness to leave us here in our graves?”
The Red Sea lay before them now. There was no place no place to ford.
Moses said, “Stand firm my friends. Observe the hand of the Lord.”
As Moses stretched his hand oer the sea, the waters stood up in a pile.
Israel walked the path with ease while Pharaoh trailed by miles.
When the last person walked the path, the waters fell back as before.
The Egyptian army perished there. Not one came alive to the shore.
On that day all Israel rejoiced for the deliverance from God above.
O that more would heed His voice and trust His unfailing love!
Now let's review the events so far from the time that Moses was called.
When he saw the treatment of his brothers, his spirit was appalled.
In the desert he was transformed into a humble man.
Only then could he be used to carry out God's great plan.
What about you? Are you humble? Have you learned the flesh is weak?
When trials and challenges come to you, is it God's will you seek?
If you will trust and then obey, be quick to heed His commands;
He will keep you until that Day safe in His mighty hands.
© Copyright George M. Cuff, All Rights Reserved
Many times we don't understand why God leads the way He does.
Such was the case with Israel as He led them from above.
God knew if faced by a Philistine attack, the Israelis would surely fold,
So He took them southeast across the desert instead of the Philistine road.
When the King heard about their flight, he promptly changed his mind.
They didn't have Israel day and night to bear the daily grind.
So Pharaoh gathered six hundred chariots and all of his army men.
His intention was to recapture the slaves and bring them back again.
When Israel saw the army approach, they were seized with terrible fear.
They grumbled at Moses with these words: “Why did you bring us here?
Didn't we tell you before we left it would be best to remain as slaves?
Did you lead us into the wilderness to leave us here in our graves?”
The Red Sea lay before them now. There was no place no place to ford.
Moses said, “Stand firm my friends. Observe the hand of the Lord.”
As Moses stretched his hand oer the sea, the waters stood up in a pile.
Israel walked the path with ease while Pharaoh trailed by miles.
When the last person walked the path, the waters fell back as before.
The Egyptian army perished there. Not one came alive to the shore.
On that day all Israel rejoiced for the deliverance from God above.
O that more would heed His voice and trust His unfailing love!
Now let's review the events so far from the time that Moses was called.
When he saw the treatment of his brothers, his spirit was appalled.
In the desert he was transformed into a humble man.
Only then could he be used to carry out God's great plan.
What about you? Are you humble? Have you learned the flesh is weak?
When trials and challenges come to you, is it God's will you seek?
If you will trust and then obey, be quick to heed His commands;
He will keep you until that Day safe in His mighty hands.
© Copyright George M. Cuff, All Rights Reserved
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Deliverance Through Faith and Trust
Exodus 11-12
Over and over God called Pharaoh to listen and act in obedience.
However the selfish Egyptian king did only what was expedient.
He wanted Israel to be his slaves, an efficient labor force,
Driving them cruelly for personal gain without a shred of remorse.
Through nine plagues, Pharaoh resisted; it seemed like a waste of breath.
But the tenth would get his attention, for it was the plague of death.
Moses warned of terrible pain if this final warning was spurned,
But true to his evil character, the Pharaoh would not be turned.
Moses called the elders together and told them how to prepare.
They were to paint their doorposts with the blood of a lamb so fair.
They roasted the meat and ate it that night along with unleavened bread.
It symbolized faith and obedience, so none would be struck dead.
The angel of death passed through the land and firstborn everywhere died.
From every town and village at hand, there arose a thunderous outcry.
Then Pharaoh called for Moses and told him that God had won,
For one of the victims of judgment that night was Pharaoh's firstborn son.
Pharaoh released them immediately with their flocks and all they could hold.
True to the Word that God had said, they gave them silver and gold.
Now the sojourn of Israel in Egypt's land was four hundred thirty years.
Their sure deliverance by God's mighty hand makes His faithfulness clear.
So how are your trapped? What gives you grief? What causes great dismay?
Financially strapped with no relief? Then get on your knees and pray.
The God of Israel is your God too. He knows your pain and loss.
He truly desires the best for you and proved it on the cross.
Since you know He died for you, which proves how much He cares,
Why don't you devote yourself anew, your allegiance to Him declare?
Tell the world you trust in God. In Him you place your faith.
You will find peace as you walk this sod empowered by love and grace.
© Copyright George M. Cuff, All Rights Reserved
Over and over God called Pharaoh to listen and act in obedience.
However the selfish Egyptian king did only what was expedient.
He wanted Israel to be his slaves, an efficient labor force,
Driving them cruelly for personal gain without a shred of remorse.
Through nine plagues, Pharaoh resisted; it seemed like a waste of breath.
But the tenth would get his attention, for it was the plague of death.
Moses warned of terrible pain if this final warning was spurned,
But true to his evil character, the Pharaoh would not be turned.
Moses called the elders together and told them how to prepare.
They were to paint their doorposts with the blood of a lamb so fair.
They roasted the meat and ate it that night along with unleavened bread.
It symbolized faith and obedience, so none would be struck dead.
The angel of death passed through the land and firstborn everywhere died.
From every town and village at hand, there arose a thunderous outcry.
Then Pharaoh called for Moses and told him that God had won,
For one of the victims of judgment that night was Pharaoh's firstborn son.
Pharaoh released them immediately with their flocks and all they could hold.
True to the Word that God had said, they gave them silver and gold.
Now the sojourn of Israel in Egypt's land was four hundred thirty years.
Their sure deliverance by God's mighty hand makes His faithfulness clear.
So how are your trapped? What gives you grief? What causes great dismay?
Financially strapped with no relief? Then get on your knees and pray.
The God of Israel is your God too. He knows your pain and loss.
He truly desires the best for you and proved it on the cross.
Since you know He died for you, which proves how much He cares,
Why don't you devote yourself anew, your allegiance to Him declare?
Tell the world you trust in God. In Him you place your faith.
You will find peace as you walk this sod empowered by love and grace.
© Copyright George M. Cuff, All Rights Reserved
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
The Parade of Plagues
Exodus 8-9
Moses and Aaron told the Pharaoh about the Lord’s demand.
Miracles, signs and wonders happened at Aaron’s command.
First there was the Nile situation where water turned blood red.
What followed next was a frog invasion—even in their beds.
The third in the list of plagues God sent was a flood of terrible lice.
For their rejection of the Lord, the Egyptians must pay the price.
Though they tried, the magicians failed to perform like Aaron’s rod.
Therefore they told their angry king: “This is the hand of God.”
After Pharaoh rejected their plea indifferent to their cry,
Aaron again set forth the decree and the Lord sent swarms of flies.
Soon flies were gathering everywhere; nothing could stop their notion
Except of course where Israel lived—deep in the land of Goshen.
After that plague and another rejection, their livestock began to die.
All of Egypt suffered judgment falling from on high.
Pharaoh’s heart, so stubborn and hard, was evil to the core.
As he continued to show no regard, his people were stricken with sores.
Six plagues had befallen to warn the king but all to no avail,
So the seventh plague God would bring was terrible, destructive hail.
There rained from heaven hail with fire unleashing awesome destruction.
Half of the crops were sacrificed because they rejected instruction.
After that the eighth plague came, an invasion of locusts severe.
The advisers to the Pharaoh said, “Get Israel out of here.”
The locusts covered the face of the earth and couldn't be restrained.
They ate every herb and leafy tree til no green plant remained.
But even this the Pharaoh endured because of his stubborn heart.
And so the ninth plague followed sure with Egypt going dark.
And so it was for three full days with darkness thick as fog,
Yet still the Pharaoh named conditions before they could worship God.
When it was time for the final plague, they warned with bated breath.
If Pharaoh failed to heed the Lord, the first born would suffer death.
Moses spoke to Israel declaring the plague would come like a flood,
Instructing God's people to paint their door with sacrificial blood.
That's what happened on that day as the angel of death did fly.
The firstborn males of man and flock suddenly fell down and died.
A mighty moan of pain and sorrow was heard throughout the land.
How foolish it is to resist the Lord to follow the ways of man.
© Copyright 2009 George M. Cuff, All Rights Reserved
Moses and Aaron told the Pharaoh about the Lord’s demand.
Miracles, signs and wonders happened at Aaron’s command.
First there was the Nile situation where water turned blood red.
What followed next was a frog invasion—even in their beds.
The third in the list of plagues God sent was a flood of terrible lice.
For their rejection of the Lord, the Egyptians must pay the price.
Though they tried, the magicians failed to perform like Aaron’s rod.
Therefore they told their angry king: “This is the hand of God.”
After Pharaoh rejected their plea indifferent to their cry,
Aaron again set forth the decree and the Lord sent swarms of flies.
Soon flies were gathering everywhere; nothing could stop their notion
Except of course where Israel lived—deep in the land of Goshen.
After that plague and another rejection, their livestock began to die.
All of Egypt suffered judgment falling from on high.
Pharaoh’s heart, so stubborn and hard, was evil to the core.
As he continued to show no regard, his people were stricken with sores.
Six plagues had befallen to warn the king but all to no avail,
So the seventh plague God would bring was terrible, destructive hail.
There rained from heaven hail with fire unleashing awesome destruction.
Half of the crops were sacrificed because they rejected instruction.
After that the eighth plague came, an invasion of locusts severe.
The advisers to the Pharaoh said, “Get Israel out of here.”
The locusts covered the face of the earth and couldn't be restrained.
They ate every herb and leafy tree til no green plant remained.
But even this the Pharaoh endured because of his stubborn heart.
And so the ninth plague followed sure with Egypt going dark.
And so it was for three full days with darkness thick as fog,
Yet still the Pharaoh named conditions before they could worship God.
When it was time for the final plague, they warned with bated breath.
If Pharaoh failed to heed the Lord, the first born would suffer death.
Moses spoke to Israel declaring the plague would come like a flood,
Instructing God's people to paint their door with sacrificial blood.
That's what happened on that day as the angel of death did fly.
The firstborn males of man and flock suddenly fell down and died.
A mighty moan of pain and sorrow was heard throughout the land.
How foolish it is to resist the Lord to follow the ways of man.
© Copyright 2009 George M. Cuff, All Rights Reserved
Monday, February 1, 2010
Moses and Aaron before Pharaoh
Exodus 5-7
Finally that day arrived when they stood before Egypt's king.
They told him about Israel's God explaining everything.
Pharaoh was an arrogant fool unwilling to let them go.
He scoffed at the very thought of a God who cared about Israel.
An angry Pharaoh made life tough for the people making bricks.
He took away the straw he supplied to make them strong and thick.
The workers scattered throughout the land to obtain the straw and stubble.
With hardship increasing they blamed Moses for causing all the trouble.
Moses returned to the Lord and said, “I've done all I can.
Is there something that I missed when You told me about Your plan?”
The Lord replied to Moses then, “Tell them I've heard their cry.
All that I promised to Abraham, I will surely supply.”
In the midst of these brutal trials, God sent them to Pharaoh again.
He gave the words to Aaron to speak to the hearts of men.
As Aaron spoke he threw down his staff; it turned into a snake,
But this the magicians in Pharaoh's court were able to duplicate.
Now Satan is never equal to God and clearly that's a fact,
For Aaron's rod pursued and ate all the magician's staffs.
Next Aaron's rod stretched oer the Nile turning the waters red
Followed by frogs that covered the land, even in their beds.
Once again the magicians of Pharaoh duplicated the feat,
But in all the houses of the land there was no relief.
In response to Pharaoh's plea, Moses prayed the frogs would die.
A few days later piles of frogs sent stench into the skies.
Sadly these miracles didn't prevail in the depths of Pharaoh's soul.
His folly is a message for all who live under sin's control.
If you respond to the Spirit of Grace by forsaking sin's dark land.
You'll be set free from sin's disgrace and kept by His mighty hand.
© Copyright George M. Cuff, All Rights Reserved
Finally that day arrived when they stood before Egypt's king.
They told him about Israel's God explaining everything.
Pharaoh was an arrogant fool unwilling to let them go.
He scoffed at the very thought of a God who cared about Israel.
An angry Pharaoh made life tough for the people making bricks.
He took away the straw he supplied to make them strong and thick.
The workers scattered throughout the land to obtain the straw and stubble.
With hardship increasing they blamed Moses for causing all the trouble.
Moses returned to the Lord and said, “I've done all I can.
Is there something that I missed when You told me about Your plan?”
The Lord replied to Moses then, “Tell them I've heard their cry.
All that I promised to Abraham, I will surely supply.”
In the midst of these brutal trials, God sent them to Pharaoh again.
He gave the words to Aaron to speak to the hearts of men.
As Aaron spoke he threw down his staff; it turned into a snake,
But this the magicians in Pharaoh's court were able to duplicate.
Now Satan is never equal to God and clearly that's a fact,
For Aaron's rod pursued and ate all the magician's staffs.
Next Aaron's rod stretched oer the Nile turning the waters red
Followed by frogs that covered the land, even in their beds.
Once again the magicians of Pharaoh duplicated the feat,
But in all the houses of the land there was no relief.
In response to Pharaoh's plea, Moses prayed the frogs would die.
A few days later piles of frogs sent stench into the skies.
Sadly these miracles didn't prevail in the depths of Pharaoh's soul.
His folly is a message for all who live under sin's control.
If you respond to the Spirit of Grace by forsaking sin's dark land.
You'll be set free from sin's disgrace and kept by His mighty hand.
© Copyright George M. Cuff, All Rights Reserved